I have problem, why the banners are showing 2 in one page, i put one code and i'm getting 2 banners one under other??
How i can do banner rotation in same zone like google ads??
Help me please
I have problem, why the banners are showing 2 in one page, i put one code and i'm getting 2 banners one under other??
How i can do banner rotation in same zone like google ads??
Help me please
When you edit your zone, there is a setting called "Max Ad Count". This setting limits the number of ads displayed at the same time within the zone. Just set it to 1 to only display one ad at atime. You can read more about ad zones here: https://www.adplugg.com/support/help/ad-zones
To rotate your ads, check out the ad rotator cookbook recipes here: https://www.adplugg.com/support/cookbook/ad-rotator