Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

About the Advertising Glossary

The Advertising Glossary contains a list of terms used by AdPlugg and throughout both the online and offline advertising industries.

How to use the Advertising Glossary

Advertising terms are listed below. Short definitions for the advertising terms are listed next to each term. Click the term name to go to a page with more information about the term.

Advertising Terms


Above the Fold - Above the fold is a term used for the area of a webpage that displays without having to scroll.

Ad - Short for advertisement, an ad is a message which is conveyed to an existing or potential customer.

Ad Inventory - Ad Inventory is the total amount of ad space available on a website.

Ad Placement - An ad placement is a way to place an ad or group of ads on a site.

Ad Rotator - An ad rotator is a computer system that rotates the order or relative position in which a set of ads are displayed.

Ad Tag - An ad tag is an html tag that is placed in your source code in the location where you want ads to appear.

Ad Zone - An ad zone is a region on a page in which ads display.

Advertisement - Advertisement is the long form term for Ad (see Ad).


Banner Rotator - A banner rotator is a system that rotates a set of banner ads in and out of a single spot on a website (usually the header/leaderboard).

Below the Fold - Below the fold is a term used for the area of a webpage that displays only after you scroll down.


Impression - A basic ad impression occurs any time an ad is served.