Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

What is the correct order?

I want to place 4 ads on my site and then have them rotate in one placement area with each page that is brought up. Is there a trick in how to do the Order when setting up the ads?

Also, I currently have 2 ads in the system, but these won't rotate in the space. I made a Placement and pointed the ads to this Placement. I made a zone and pointed it to the Placement. I have the widget installed with the correct zone machine code used.

Why won't the 2 ads rotate in the space when a new page is brought up on the site?



Hi, I took a look at your account.  Unfortunately AdPlugg doesn't have a way to rotate the ads in a sequence (ad 1 then ad 2 then ad 3, etc) at this point.  The "Static" setting that you chose for the Content Order field means static in the sense of not moving or changing at all. So with that setting, there is no rotation and your zone is always going to show the same ad.  This has been a point of confusion for other users as well, so you're not alone.  Please let us know if you have any ideas for how we could improve the option name, tool tip, documentation, etc to make it more clear.

The only rotation strategy that AdPlugg currently supports is Random. So you can just switch the Content Order field on your Placement to "Random" and your ads will start rotating.  Hopefully Random will work for you.  If you'd like, you can suggest a "sequenced" rotation strategy in our Feedback and Ideas Forum.

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