We have paid for premium and since then nothing is really working right. All of our ads in zones are not rotating. We have set it to change every 15 seconds yet it never changes at all. Even after several refreshes. Why is this?
I took a look at your account. It looks like you have a number of ads that are targeted directly to the Zone instead of to a Placement. If the ad is targeted directly to the Zone, the rules in your Placement (such as rotation, etc), don't get applied to it. In general, it's best to target all ads to a Placement and then target the Placement to the Zone. That way you can control all ads in the Placement from the Placement settings without having to modify each ad. Having some ads targeted directly to the Zone works but often not the way you want it to (as I think you are experiencing). I'd recommend going through your ad list and targeting all ads to a Placement rather than directly to Zones. Please feel free to comment here or to use our contact form if you continue to have issues.