I have 2 zones set in my account and I have the plugins added to each zone on my appearance pages. You'll notice that one ad (2 guys) is selected for the Mag Zone Small the rest are selected for the MAG ZOne Gig zone. I should see 2 guys by itself in the small section as a verticle ad. Instead each section has every ad? All of them appear in both? Whats tgoing on? Where do I need to change something Please?
I took a look at your site. It looks like you just need to set the Zone field on your AdPlugg widgets.
In your AdPlugg account, go to Ads > Zones. Click the "Get Machine Name" button next to the zone that you want your widget to show. Copy the Zone Machine Name and paste it into the Zone field on the AdPlugg widget (in your wp-admin).
The reason why it is showing all ads is because it works like a search. If you don't tell the widget what Zone you want, it doesn't take zones into account when retrieving your ads.
That did it. Thank you. Apparantly I had the Zone Machine Name in the "Title Field" instead of the "Zone Field" on the plug in. Sorry about that but Thanks so much for your quick response