Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

The tracking code is weird

I had a client that questioned our tracking code; and I have to agree why would it be listing our magazine buy page?

This should be showing the link that I put into the box. The client wants their link to show not ours - how do we correct this?

Are you talking about the address that shows in the bottom of the browser when you hover over an ad? This should be an adplugg url. After clicking the ad, the user first goes to the adplugg server so that AdPlugg can register the click event. Then they are immediately forwarded to the advertiser's site. This is how pretty much all ad systems work. Is this not what is happening?


on Mon, 2017-03-27 - 09:19


That IS what is happening.  But the url or address at the bottom of the browser is showing a route that I did not link to. It's listing my sell page - it shouldn't be listing my sell page it should be listing my clients link.  Now the link has changed to this when you hover over the ad box: www.adplugg.com/tract/click/AXXXXXX/XXXXX/click?hn=diyweddingsmag.com&b…

If I fresh the browers the link url changes again. Go to our home page and click on the sidebar ad NEW LOOK 60% OFF - this way you can see what I am talking about - go to a post, back to the home page and you will see the link url changes.  No matter what it goes to the clients site but still - can we hide this if we cannot fix it?

That bit in the url is telling the AdPlugg click tracker what site the user was on when they clicked the ad. This is an important piece of information, especially if you are serving ads to multiple sites. After the click is recorded, AdPlugg redirects the user to the advertiser's site. AdPlugg knows where to redirect the user based on the URL that you put into the Click Through URL field on the ad. So everything in the URL that you are looking at has more to do with tracking the click rather than where the user will eventually be taken when they click the ad. We could possibly scramble all of that info into a hash of random looking characters and numbers if you think that would be preferable.


on Tue, 2017-03-28 - 08:58

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