Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

Ads Stacked, Not Rotating

Hi, my ads are stacked and not rotating.

I followed instructions exactly, using Ad Placement with "static" at interval of 6 seconds:


It's the first zone on the right sidebar (USPBL and Mona Lisa Touch ads) which shows two ads stacked on top of each other. 

I deactivated all plugins and it still shows stacked on top of each other instead of rotating every 6 seconds.


Thank you! Everything works perfectly now!

I spoke to you via email but for the benefit of other users, I'm going to put the solution here.

There were two issues:

First was that the "Static" Content Order setting on the Placement actually disables rotation. Users who want their ads to rotate, should use "Random". We may be changing the wording on this setting to make it more clear.

Second was the Max Ad Count field on the Zone. This setting controls how many ads can appear within the Zone at a time. It was set to 3, so multiple ads were appearing in the Zone stacked on top of each other. It was desired to only show one ad in the Zone at a time, so the Max Ad Count field was changed from to 1.


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