Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

Timed rotation - please explain how it exactly works

Its me again ;-)

I just wondering how it works? What should I place in "rotation interval"? Minutes, seconds other? let say that it is in second. if I put there 10, does it means that placement reload and show another ad (if another ad exist of course)?  What is and how it works: Pause "Timed Rotation When Not Viewable? (recommended)" and " Timed Rotation Inactivity Timeout" (seconds?)


If you hold your mouse over the field it will give you a tool tip with info regarding what the field does.

Here's a quick rundown:

  • Rotation Interval: Enter the number of seconds to wait before rotating the ads in the placement. If this field is left blank, the ads are only rotated on page refresh. The interval must be greater than 1. Decimals are allowed. Industry standard is not less than 30 seconds.
  • Pause Timed Rotation When Not Viewable?: When enabled, this control will stop your ads from rotating when the ad zone is not within view (for example if the user has scrolled past it already). The rotation will resume if the ad zone becomes within view again (for example if the user scrolls back up).
  • Timed Rotation Inactivity Timeout: Enter how many seconds of user inactivity to allow before rotation is paused. Default is 5. If blank, rotation will never be paused due to user inactivity.

To control costs, it is highly recommended that you use both the Pause Timed Rotation When Not Viewable? and Timed Rotation Inactivity Timeout controls if you want to rotate your ads on a timer.


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