Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

How do I add space between my ads?


My ads are all bunching together. How do I add space between them?

Where can I find the updated CSS referenced in the 9/11/15 post? The CSS entry in the original post doesn't work for me.
The only CSS there is the new one. I also just added an alternate CSS that may work with your theme (see the bottom of my answer below).
I don't feel comfortable and don't have the knowledge to edit my CSS stylesheets. What else I can do to add space between my ads? Thanks.



To add some space between your ads, you can use the following CSS:

.adplugg-tag .adplugg-ad {
    margin-bottom: 1em;

If you aren't familiar with css, this says to put a 1 character bottom margin on each of your ads. You can change the 1em to 2em for more space or 0.5em etc. for less.

For it to work, you add the above CSS to your site's stylesheet. If you are using WordPress, you can do the following to modify your stylesheet

  1. Log in to your WordPress administrator.
  2. Go to Appearance, then Customize, then Additional CSS.
  3. Add the CSS code from above.
  4. Press the Save & Publish button at the top of the screen.

EDIT 2015-09-11: The latest version of AdPlugg includes a wrapper div with a class of "adplugg-ad" around all ads.  It's now better to set the margin on the wrapper div instead of on the img tag.  I've updated the above CSS to reflect the change.

EDIT 2015-12-14: Some users have had success with their theme using this CSS (note the addition of "display: table;"):

.adplugg-tag .adplugg-ad {
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    display: table;
This did not work for me. Is there another resolution?
NAIOPCorporate, I've updated the CSS above (see the Edit comment). Please try the new version.
did not work for me either...thoughts?
Hi IWT, please use our Contact form and send us the URL to your site and we can customize the CSS to work with your theme.


I also tried this, including the new CSS code listed and it also doesn't work in my theme; and makes the ads appear literally on top of each other.  I tried adding a second widget to the page and all it did was repeat the ads!!!


Any other suggestions please???



Hi @desley, I took a look at your site and it looks like there is space between your ads now. Did you get it resolved?