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AdPlugg Releases New WordPress Ad Block

WordPress Ad Block


WordPress users can now easily place ads using the AdPlugg WordPress Ad Block

San Francisco, CA, 5/23/2023 — Today, AdPlugg announced the release of a new WordPress ad block. Integrated into WordPress’ built-in block editor, the AdPlugg ad block makes it easy for publishers to insert ads into their WordPress pages and articles. AdPlugg’s ad block is part of AdPlugg’s WordPress plugin - a long time favorite with WordPress publishers. The ad block offers an additional way for publishers to place AdPlugg ads onto their website or blog. The block is built to work with WordPress’ Gutenberg block editor, which has become the standard for WordPress content creation and page design.

The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin was originally released in December of 2013. Since that time, it has been downloaded more than 100,000 times. The plugin ties in with the AdPlugg hosted ad service which makes it easy for publishers to easily place ads on their WordPress website or blog. Prior to this release, ads could be placed using the legacy WordPress widget system or using Ad Tags - bits of HTML code that can be inserted into WordPress.

In 2019, WordPress released a new block editor called “Gutenberg”. After meeting some initial resistance from the WordPress community, the Gutenberg editor - and its system of editing pages via “blocks” - has become the de facto standard for WordPress site editing and content creation.

With the release of AdPlugg’s new WordPress Ad Block, placing ads into pages via the Gutenberg editor is now even easier than before. Previously, Gutenberg users would place a generic HTML block onto their page and then insert a code, known as an Ad Tag, into it. Now, publishers can simply place the AdPlugg block onto their page and AdPlugg takes it from there.

The ads that appear in the block are controlled by the publisher from their dashboard at From, users can create ads, turn ads on and off, schedule ads, rotate ads, view ad statistics (such as impressions and clicks), and more.

“Like many long time WordPress users, I initially approached the Gutenberg block editor with cautious optimism. But now, I’ve grown to really love it. I think that publishers are going to be thrilled with how easy the AdPlugg ad block makes it to place ads on their WordPress pages and posts.” said AdPlugg CEO, Collin Krawll.

AdPlugg’s WordPress ad block is immediately available to all AdPlugg users. This includes both users on one of AdPlugg’s paid plans as well as users on AdPlugg’s Free Plan.

About AdPlugg

AdPlugg is a cloud based advertising system that makes it easy for advertisers and publishers to manage, serve and track their ads. Users can create an account instantly and be up and running within minutes.

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Director of Public Relations