Access to the AdPlugg Network is now available to all publishers!
Are you looking to monetize your website but don’t have any advertisers? The AdPlugg Network is a new service from AdPlugg that allows you to easily place network ads on your site and earn real revenue by displaying network ads.
Once enrolled in the program, you will have access to a special ad format in your system named “AdPlugg Network”. You can target this ad to your zones, rotate it in with other ads, use it when you don’t have any other ads to show, target it to certain geographic regions, etc.
Every month, you will get paid by AdPlugg based on the number of AdPlugg Network impressions that you register. You can track your AdPlugg Network impressions from the Analytics interface within the system. July 2021 Update: Payments are generally made monthly but may vary depending on when payment is received from the ad exchange.
The program is open to all publishers regardless of where you are located and payments are currently made via PayPal on net-45 terms. July 2021 Update: payments are now made on anywhere from net-21 to net-90 day terms depending on the terms of the ad exchange where the impression was sold.
It’s free to enroll and you can remain in the program whether or not you are currently serving network ads. So signing up to have the option available is a no brainer.
The AdPlugg Network ads come from various advertisers, agencies and ad exchanges that AdPlugg works with. You have complete control over where and when the network ads show.
If you are just now looking to monetize your site, have some empty spots to fill or are looking to boost your revenues, the AdPlugg Network is a great option. It’s super easy to enroll, just click your username in the top right and under Account Settings, click Enroll in AdPlugg Network.
If you have any questions about the AdPlugg Network or how to enroll, please post them to the comments section below.
July 2021 Update: We’ve updated the above post with new information regarding the AdPlugg Network’s payment terms.
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