Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

All Pages EXCEPT those listed

Hi, in Page Targeting, I can only get my ads to show up on the pages specified when selecting "All pages EXCEPT those listed".  I list the paths of the pages that I want them to show up on.  However, when I select "Only the Pages Listed" they don't show up on these pages.  But when I select "All pages EXCEPT those listed" then my ads show up on the pages listed.  Basically, it seems to be working backward.  Am I doing something wrong?



I took a look at your account and it looks like you have some ads that are configured with both page and placement targeting.  The Placement (at least in one case) that is targeted then has its own page targeting which contridicts the page targeting settings of the ad. 

It's best to target your ads to a Placement then target the Placement to a Zone.  You'd then want to set the zone field on your ad tags or widgets to pull the ads for the zone.  You could target the Placement to certain pages if you wanted using Page targeting.  These page targeting settings would be applied to all ads in the Placement.  You can also target the individual ads to certain pages if required, though that is somewhat of an uncommon scenario.  Setting page targeting on both the ad and the placement should also work in theory but you'd have to have urls that were more general in the placement settings and more specific in the ad settings.

These links have some good info about Placements:



Hopefully that helps, let us know if you have additional questions.


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