Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

Hi - I can't seem to update any ads on the system

I get the following error on all ads when I try to adjust priorities etc (all of which are currently running). Has there been a change to naming? I don't want to have to rename and re-upload all of my ads.

Invalid filename. The filename "Access Infinity Mobile Leaderboard (300 × 50px).pn" has invalid characters in it. Please rename the file to only use letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and periods.



This has been fixed so that you now only need to correct the filename when you upload a new image. So you should now be able to edit your old ads without changing your files and filenames.

We added validation to the filenames because the filenames that you upload to AdPlugg get used in URLs (ex: https://cdn1.adplugg.io/apusers/serve/A4822/file/25745/image_ad_image.png). A proper URL shouldn't have spaces or other special symbols in it (except for where they are serving a special purpose).

We've had people put spaces, ampersands, question marks, pound signs and lots of other things in their filenames and then email us asking why their ads weren't working. To combat this, we've added validation on the filenames to ensure that they are URL safe.

I'd recommend sticking to lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and periods. So an example of a good filename is acme_ad.jpg.

This Google search brings up some helpful resources: https://www.google.com/search?q=filename+best+practices  

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