Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

I can't get my WordPress ad to display

discovery! it works. I removed "AdRotate" (a different wordpress plugin) and AdPlugg works

Glad to hear that you got it working! We are working on tidying up this forum. Can you please add your solution as an answer and then select/check it as the best answer. Thanks!


on Sun, 2015-02-01 - 12:12

I have the same problem, unfortunately I can't remove the AdRotate plugin.
Is there a way to make them both work?


on Thu, 2016-01-28 - 02:33

I just tried installing AdPlugg and AdRotate and didn't have any issues. Mike, do you know what I need to do to reproduce the issue or can you provide me with a link to your site (use our Contact form) while it is failing?


on Tue, 2016-02-02 - 10:54



I removed "AdRotate" (a different wordpress plugin) and AdPlugg works -kishbaugh

Hola. He seguido todos los pasos para publicar el aviso pero no lo he logrado.¿Qué puedo estar haciendo mal?
I have done every step of the way to get the ad published wituout success. I only get the word patrocinador published on my side bar... What can I do?


on Wed, 2016-06-29 - 08:13

Hi, @Nelson. Please start a new question or else message us using our contact form. Please include a link to your site so that we can see the issue. Thanks!


on Wed, 2016-06-29 - 09:08

Hello guys,

I have set two zones (homefr and homeen) so I can respectively target my site language (French and English)

I have set two widgets one for each home page, but the ads does not display, If I remove the zones, both are shown (which is not the goal).




Hi oliceo, sorry for the trouble. If you could, please start a new question - that will help to keep our Q/A forum organized and helpful for other users. Thanks!


on Fri, 2018-12-14 - 08:37

My ads aren't showing either... I don't have AdRotate or any other ad plugins installed. PLEASE HELP!

When you go to my website, open the side menu and scroll down until you see the "Sponsors" title. This is where I have the AdPlugg widget running but the ad isnt showing up. I have my access code added into the AdPlugg settings and have the correct Zone name in the wiget... nto sure what else it could be.


I have the same challenge as submitted by mainedogmag.


on Fri, 2017-12-15 - 04:44

This is an old question but for future readers, please post a new question so that our staff and community members can post answers to it. Thanks!


on Fri, 2018-12-14 - 08:39

Answer This Question!