I'd like to use a interstitial ad on my site. However the top of the ad is being covered by my header, which means I can't close it. Is there a way around this?
It's currently being tested on http://www.signdirectionsonline.co.uk/jmh-digital/
I'd like to use a interstitial ad on my site. However the top of the ad is being covered by my header, which means I can't close it. Is there a way around this?
It's currently being tested on http://www.signdirectionsonline.co.uk/jmh-digital/
I took a look at your site, it looks like your header is using a z-index of 2000. AdPlugg Interstitial ads default to a z-index of 99. The z-index determines where from front to back different elements on the page appear. The higher the z-index the more towards the top the element appears. To get the ad to appear on top of the header, you need to set the z-index on the ad to a higher number than the z-index of the header.
To change the z-index for the ad, you can add some CSS to your stylesheet. Add the following CSS to change the z-index of the ad to 3000:
.adplugg-interstitial-ad {
z-index: 3000;
We have instructions for how to modify your site's stylesheet here (just use the above CSS instead of the CSS in the recipe).