Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

More Detailed Analytics

Are there plans for more detailed analytics?

It would be nice to be able to compare stats for one or more ads overlaid on the same graph, as well as being able to break down stats by zone or placement, and again compare all ads that are shown in those areas.

At the moment, it makes it a bit difficult to A/B test two different creatives if I can't view the two together on the same chart.

In addition, stats for click-through-rate would be handy, rather than having to flick between the impressions and clicks charts and work the ratios out manually.


You can do a lot of that with our Reports feature which is part of the Pro Plan.  One of the options is to group by ad, you can then set the report to show a row for each ad for a given time frame.  Each row will include the ad name, impressions, clicks and the click through rate.  You can view the report as a PDF or you can open it as an Excel spreadsheet to do further analysis.  The Pro Plan has a 30 day money back guarantee so you can try it out to see if it does what you need with no risk.

I like your ideas for improving the Charts feature.  If you don't mind, please copy/paste your suggestion into our Feedback and Ideas forum so that it's on the list!


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