Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

Placement set, rotation on - ads not rotating

Hi, we have ads targeted to placements, the placement has random rotation on, the placement is targeted to the zone, but we are not seeing rotation of the ads. One random ad will show but no others. Please help!

That should work. I don't see AdPlugg installed on your site, where can I go to see the issue?


on Fri, 2023-03-17 - 10:33

Hi! We are currently running our ads on a staging site. It won't be fully live until next week. Could that be causing the issue?


on Mon, 2023-03-20 - 14:45


I figured it out. Sorry, I didn't understand that you were saying that the ads were rotating but that the timed rotate wasn't working.

The timed rotate isn't rotating because you have the Timed Rotation Inactivity Timeout field on your Placement set to 0 seconds. The default for this field is 5 seconds, meaning stop rotating if the user is inactive for 5 seconds. Setting it to 0 seconds means, stop rotating if the user is inactive for 0 seconds (or said another way: stop rotating if the user hasn't moved his/her mouse in the last zero seconds). This will always evaluate to the user being inactive and then stop the rotation. Our validation should maybe disallow 0 from that field since it produces this effect. But anything under 2-3 seconds would be a pretty high activity bar for the user to keep up with.

To fix, either set the Timed Rotation Inactivity Timeout field to a higher number or, if you don't want it to ever timeout due to inactivity, clear the value from the field, leaving it blank. See the tooltip when you hover the field for additional information.

Sorry for the trouble. Hopefully that gets it working for you.

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