is it possible to target ads, based on mobile only or desktop only. I have sites with single script for desktop and mobile, but I want to put different placement in mobile and desktop
is it possible to target ads, based on mobile only or desktop only. I have sites with single script for desktop and mobile, but I want to put different placement in mobile and desktop
Update (2023-10-18): AdPlugg now has features for targeting Creatives and Ads to different devices based on size, OS, etc. You can see a demo of this new functionality here. Please contact us for access to the new features.
Hi, you can do that with a responsive ad.
You would make a responsive HTML5 ad that renders one way on mobile and another way on desktops. A common solution is to create an HTML5 ad that shows as a 300x250 medium rectangle on mobile and a 728x90 leaderboard on desktop. If you have your creatives, we can make this kind of ad for you.
You can check see an example responsive HTML5 ad in our demo here: