hey there,
two questions on Video ads, if I may.
How do we get sound to be automatically played from the start, rather than having to click 'pause' and 'play' again?
Is there a way to replay the video once it ends?
hey there,
two questions on Video ads, if I may.
How do we get sound to be automatically played from the start, rather than having to click 'pause' and 'play' again?
Is there a way to replay the video once it ends?
There are a lot of rules regarding autoplaying videos with sound. In general, browser restrictions prevent most sites from doing it. Certain sites have been given special permission to do it which is why you might see it on sites like YouTube. In general, you can autoplay videos as long as they are muted. You can read more about it here https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes.
Once the video ends, you should just be able to press the pause/play button to play it again.