Hi im just wondering which Ads format can be used with Facebook's instant article?
Which formats will work is mostly dependent on Facebook's policies and the restrictions imposed by the ad being served within an iFrame.
The following AdPlugg formats should work:
- Image
- Text
- Image + Text
- Text Link
- Video
- Custom/HTML5
The following formats won't work because of the iFrame and/or Facebook policies.
- Bar
- Dialog
- Slide In
- Interstitial
Here's the info from Facebook:
Publishers can directly sell and deliver banner ads, video ads (click to play or sound off), and animated ads containing HTML5, Javascript or CSS (provided the ads do not expand, collapse or any block content).
Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instant-articles/faq#faq_136220580120376
These Links from Facebook have more info: