Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

will you provide mobile ads & desktop ads different

We need the mobile & desktop ads serves different.

Example in the same ad i need mobile option setting also. 

In your ads system, if the big ads got uploaded and it shows proper in desktop. But in mobile its show same one as small size.

if you give option for that will be good.


Update (October 2023): AdPlugg now has built in support for targeting ads or creatives to different sized devices. Please contact us for details.

The best solution at this point is to use an HTML5 creative. These are like a mini website that runs in an iframe. You can then choose your breakpoints and switch between any number of images depending on the user's device. We can create these for you for a small fee or send you an example one for you to customize yourself. Please contact us for details.

If you want to do it with Zones, that works as well. Just create two Zones (one for mobile and one for desktop) and then serve a different Zone for mobile vs desktop. This may take a bit of scripting on your end.

We have on the development list to work on a way to build this kind of functionality directly into the AdPlugg interface but don't have anything quite like that yet.

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